Have you ever noticed yourself being excited at the mere thought of obtaining or achieving something that you desire? If we can get excited about something we don't have then we most certainly can stay motivated until we get it. Here are three keys to staying motivated.
Focus on the Reward. Keep your eye on the prize. Build a strong desire for what you want to accomplish and then focus all of your attention on making it come true through your steady application of effort. Resolve to take action at every opportunity in order to get what you want. Make it your responsibility to take the initiative rather than waiting on someone else or for the conditions to be favorable to you. When the reward is big enough to you then you will not experience lack where motivation is concerned.
Use Positive Self-talk. Say to yourself, "If it is to be it's up to me." This helps you to take responsibility for the successful achievement of your goals. Say, "I am doing what it takes to get what I want and I am fired up about my success." This statement acknowledges that you are taking the initiative. This type of affirmation also helps to build your positive expectations. You expect to be successful because you are taking consistent action.
Move With Purpose. It all counts. Realize that every move that you make is an investment into the realization of your dream, goal, or aspiration. So strive to take action as often as possible. Give yourself reasons to act. And after you take action reflect on how that action helped to propel you closer to what you want. Do this as many times as you can throughout the day and soon you will develop a habit for taking action. You will also find that you are taking meaningful strides toward accomplishment of your goals.
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