The Law of Focus- What you give attention to grows. Keep your mind on the desired results that you are trying to accomplish and off of the pitfalls and setbacks. Do not give failure and frustration large amounts of thought. Your focus needs to be centered on what you are striving to achieve. Keep your eyes on the target. See every move that you make as a step taken in order to get you closer to what you want.
Failure is the foundation for success when it is used properly. You need to learn from mistakes and move on. Get excited about implementing the lessons learned from your missteps. Use each experience as a springboard which launches you to higher levels of success. Remember, it is all a matter of perspective. It is not what happens to you that determines your success, but how you react to what happened to you. Keep your attention on what you want. Focus on the outcomes that you desire and those thoughts will motivate you to take continuous action in order to get what you want.
The Law of Celebration- Enjoy the journey. It is the journey that gives you the most pleasure and not necessarily the arrival at your desired destination. We get excited when we overcome challenges and move forward. However after we accomplish our goals we tend to switch our focus immediately to the next goal or aspiration.
Instead we need to celebrate our accomplishment. We should also take some time to reflect on our growth and development. In this way we build our confidence and belief level to a point where we are willing to take on bigger challenges. A greater belief in our capacity to excel serves to boost our motivation levels.
And when we immediately celebrate after successfully achieving our goals we add to our emotional reservoir positive momentum which in turn fuels all future initiative.
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