Expectancy - When you are inspired by a dream or goal you are propelled forward by your expectancy to experience the successful realization of that desire. You want that aspiration so strongly that you are motivated to do what ever it takes to get it. The expectation of receiving your desired objective will cause you to do things now rather than procrastinate.
Energy - Inspiration gives you the energy to overcome failure and obstacles that stand between you and your goal. When you have sufficient inspiration then you are able to persist. Emotional and physical fatigue will not affect you because you have a strong reason for doing the work that your dream or goal requires. When you are driven by a strong motive your energy levels will be high enough to get you through difficult times. Because you are inspired, you are able to bounce back from frustration and disappointments easier. Rather than being drained your inspiration keeps you invigorated.
Excitement - Just knowing that you are working towards something that is worthwhile and important to you keeps you fired up and highly motivated. When you have a clearly defined reason for paying the price then you will be up for the challenges that you face on the way to getting what you want. The clearer your reason why then the higher your excitement level will be. When you are excited about doing the necessary work then high motivation is a natural byproduct of your enthusiasm.
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