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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Get Motivated to Live Your Dream

As a song once stated that Dreams can come true, how would you feel if you knew that you could turn your dreams into your reality. In reading this I believe that you want to change your life for the better. But,How can this be done? By making the decision to do so, make this day be the first day of the rest of your life and this is done by making the decision and or choice to do so, and that is your first step.

What do you want out of your life? What have you always dreamt of being, doing or having? Get yourself a note book and write it down. Think about the above questions and be honest with yourself. Put aside those negative thoughts of what you have thought about yourself and what other people have told you, because as of now they do not matter. What makes you happy? Think about this question because at first it is not an easy question to answer so, be patient with yourself. Write your answers into your note book and keep your note book in a safe place, where you can look at it regularly. Put aside what happened yesterday because you can not change what happened yesterday.

Today is the day that you can change and influence so be thankful for today and be glad in your today. What kind of life would you like to live? Visualize it, sit quietly and close your eyes and see the life that you want. I collect pictures, pictures that I have taken and pictures from magazines and put them in a scrapbook or photo album. I call this my vision book, which I look at often, especially when the day is not going as good as I would like it to go. Eventually you will be able to visualize some of these pictures without physically looking at them.

This is great when you can do this. I have done this in meetings and some really boring events. It makes you happy and that is nothing but being in a healthy space no matter where you are. When collecting your pictures remember that there is no limit to what you want in your life and that you can have what ever you want, so remember this when collecting your pictures and writing your lists. This is a quote that keeps me motivated "Society Predicts But You Determine Your Future". Put this up where you can see it regularly. Do these simply tips daily and see the magic work in your life. I would love to know your progress on your journey, please leave me a comment.


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