If you believe there is a limit, have you asked yourself why you believe so? Could it be that perhaps your belief is nothing more than your wrong assumptions caused by your limited information and experience? And that if we go beyond these perceived boundaries, we will then be able to see that there are actually no limits to what we can do?
Nobody knows for sure what's beyond our limited understanding of our experience. The territory of the unknown out there seems so vast and even scary that it would be unwise for us to make any definitive pronouncement precisely because we haven't yet gone into it.
Let me share with you a story I read somewhere about a marvelous cartoon. And I quote:
"In this little four-panel comic, two people are all scrunched up inside a cardboard box, complaining about how terribly cramped they are. One of them becomes so frustrated that he flings his arms wide and accidentally rams a fist through one of the cardboard walls.
Then, instead of peering curiously out the new hole in their tiny cage, they cower away. In the final panel, the viewpoint zooms out to show the same scene from outside the box, and voices from inside are worrying that they're guilty of committing some terrible sin."
So what do you think? Are there limits? The two people were afraid to "peer curiously out the new hole in their tiny cage". They did not explore all of what they already know about themselves or their experiences.
How about you? Have you found any kind of boundaries on your abilities, thoughts or activities? If you say that there must be some limits, then stop and think again about the simple story above.
So what has this got to do with the question of limits on success? Because the same principles apply to whatever it is that we do.
In today's world, we can see things and do activities in our daily routine that were just about unheard of many years ago.
Today, where I live here in the Philippines, I can write (just what I am doing right now) and publish articles on a computer and people from around the world are able to access and read them from their own computers.
Back in the 1950s, this whole idea of personal computers and Internet was only for science fiction stories. And who would have thought these things now exist. And that you are already a part of it.
The impossible before is now possible!
I bet you even have more friends now in Internet that you have never met, than all your friends in person.
And look at the entertainment that we find today. It never ceases to amaze us to watch all these action, animated, and adventure movies that happen right before our eyes in a very convincing ways.
And thanks to the wonders of mobile phones, the way we communicate with our friends and loved ones has never been the same. The world has indeed become smaller.
What kind of reaction do you think you'd get if we show all these "wonders" of today to the people who lived 50 or 100 years ago? I could hardly imagine. They might think you have come from some outer space.
A few years ago, these things were not even conceivable and yet here they are. And sometimes we even take these for granted.
Now that you are fortunate enough to witness all these incredibly wondrous creation, achievement and accomplishment, I'll ask you the question again. Are there limits to success?
Most especially limits on success, abundance, and prosperity?
Think again.
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