Step 1 - Create a strong reason. Think about what you really want. Once you have that identified make it the most important thing that drives you. View every action taken as a means by which you bring what you want closer to being in your possession.
Step 2 - Make a plan. Create a plan to get what you want. Make it as detailed as possible. Let the progression of your plan dictate the true level of your success. The further along you get towards completion of your plan the closer you will be to getting what you want. Let that that thought motivate you to complete your plan as soon as possible.
Step 3 - Work from a list. Use a checklist to keep up with what needs to be done. After you complete each of the necessary task check them off. As you mark each task as done you will begin to get a rush of excitement from the thought of eventually finishing the entire list.
Step 4 - Develop action habit. Take the initiative at every opportunity. Take action as a matter of habit. When you feel tempted to procrastinate train yourself to act instead. Do not allow yourself to put tasks off to a later time. Repeat saying to yourself, "Do it now." If you do this long enough it will become ingrained into your personality. Doing necessary task in an expedient manner will become a way of life for you.
Step 5 - Focus on the desired outcome. Keep your eyes on the prize. Let what you desire drive you to do what it takes. When you continually think about your desire as you work towards getting it you increase your expectation. You are then motivated to keep working because doing so helps you to obtain what you want.
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