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Thursday, March 12, 2009

How to Motivate Yourself

Every single one of us has gone through a lean patch when we have found it difficult to understand why Life is nasty to us, why nothing seems to be going right in our lives. It could be the loss of a loved one, bad times at work, a divorce, a break-up or even poor health. And despite all this and more, we have it in us to keep it going. We have overcome conflict and negative emotions to perform better, to outdo our own expectations, and sometimes just to live. It's almost always impossible to achieve what we want to, at the very onset of our expedition. We could fail often but staying motivated and looking at the bigger picture gets us to the end. The will to succeed is as important as the method that you're adopting to get to your destination. Motivation is what helps people explore life and be on the look-out for better opportunities, always.

How a person stays motivated varies. What works for one may not work for another; some people believe that a great way to de-stress and up his or her motivation is by self-indulgence. Maybe a shopping spree or a stay at the spa would help. For another person, spending time with the less-privileged could help. You could read, sketch, knit, or enroll for a hobby class. Learn tai-chi or kickboxing to vent out your frustration and anger, if any. Enjoy every moment of the activity. Socialize and learn what's happening in your friends' lives. You must understand others to ensure that you're being understood.

It's important that you visualize what you want out of life. By deeply and sincerely wanting something and working towards attaining it, you'll most definitely make it a reality. This is the Law of Attraction and there are many believers who vouch for the efficacy of this theory. How badly you want something determines how much you deserve it and how soon you would get it. You can make your dream come true if you work towards it with a positive 'can-do' approach. Be in control of the situation; stay focused. You're in charge of the happenings in your life and you must be more than willing to go that extra mile, if need be, to realize your goal.

One known factor that influences a person's motivation level is how he or she feels about himself. Be happy to stay motivated. Exercise regularly, both the body and the brain. Eat healthy food. You could binge once in a while but don't make food the sole reason for your existence. A lot of people find solace in praying and look to The Almighty for answers that are beyond their grasp. Get some sleep and don't overwork yourself.

It's important that you avoid people who bog you down. You could have friends or relatives who have no faith in what you're pursuing. But you have to believe that single-minded devotion could get you where you want to. Self-belief is the key to staying motivated. Only you know why you're doing what you wish to. Try making people see your perspective. But if they are bent on being despondent about your chances, you're better off without them. Walk away from a situation that would potentially do you harm. There are some people who love to see others fall down and hurt themselves; keep such people out of your life.

Don't put off things that you can do now for tomorrow. Always be ready for any opportunity that could come your way. If things don't go as per the 'original' plan, you have to stay motivated enough to not quit. It helps to have a back-up plan. However, you must have the mental make-up to take on whatever life throws at you.


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