Being frustrated over current conditions can sap all of your energy and initiative. It doesn't have to be that way. There is a way to get over frustration and become more energized. Here are three steps for changing frustration into motivation.
Examine Your Current Situation. Frustration stems from a general feeling of helplessness. It seems as if no matter what you do you end up back at square one with the same problems facing you. Your first step to changing that feeling is to look at what you don't like about your situation right now. List those unwanted conditions.
Explore Solutions. After listing the unwanted conditions in your life ask yourself this question: How can you change them? Just list general ideas. Don't hold anything back. One of the best ways to finding out what you do want is in figuring out what you don't want. You did that in the first step. Now it should be easier to look at the other side of that coin and come up with ideal conditions. Do not worry about how you are going to change things yet. You will learn that in the next step. For now focus all of you thoughts and emotions on what you would like to do, be, or have at this time in your life.
Get Specialized Knowledge. Now seek out specific answers. Find the best route to take in order to go from where you are right now to where you want to be. Use specialized knowledge resources. Search Google, visit public libraries, browse in book stores and read magazines. Once you begin exploring options available to you it will improve your mood as well as your outlook. You will be motivated to take this new road towards living a more fulfilled life rather than accepting the status quo of frustration and disappointment within your current situation.
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