How many times do we begin a project, set a goal or put our mind to accomplishing something fantastic? We're so excited in the beginning that nothing can stop us. We believe that we will never stop. But often as the days pass by, our enthusiasm diminishes, we become less connected and a less motivated - especially if we're not seeing results right away.
Then what happens? We get fewer results and we care less. Then before you know it, we tuck it away and think we will get back to it. Of course, we will get back to it some day when we have more time. But as one of my dear friends says "one of these days is none of these days". How true those words are.
If you sincerely want to make a change in your life, what I have found from personal experience is that sticking with it works - almost more than anything else. I am blessed to have that quality but I don't think it comes naturally. It's just a matter of doing what we say we are going to do. Day after day after day. Long after the initial excitement has gotten dusty.
I have experienced the power of sticking with it most recently in a project my husband and I are immersed in at home in our 'spare time'. Day after day, evening after evening, we sit at our kitchen table with laptops side by side, creating interesting content for our site visitors, analyzing keywords, securing good incoming links, writing articles and analyzing our results. Honestly, it's the most fun work I've ever done, but it is work. No mincing words. It is work and effort and time. But once it is in place, our site visitors get what they are looking for (our #1 goal) and we reap nice rewards day after day after day. Whether we are awake or sleeping, sitting at our kitchen table or on the road traveling, we reap the benefits of our effort.
Have you ever heard someone say "Well, they are just lucky." True! The more effort you apply to something, the luckier you get. It's very funny how that plays out. Great results are the reward of consistent effort. I believe that sincere, focused effort ultimately produces good results. Perhaps not initially, but add the power of sticking with it and it's a magical combination. Effort plus sticking with it equals results. It just does.
So, if you have something in your life that you want to change and you have a plan for changing it, just tell yourself that you are going to stick with it for a while. Then go ahead and really stick with it. I think you'll find that you'll be rewarded with good results, maybe even great results. Find out what the power of "stick-to-it-ive-ness" can do for you. I challenge you to give it an honest try. Call it what you may - dedication, discipline, commitment, perseverance - it all boils down to sticking with it!
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