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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Staying Motivated Till You Achieve - 7 Simple Steps to Maintain Motivation

Staying motivated! All of us struggle with this, some more than others. How do you keep up your motivation when the project you are working on seems to last forever or is difficult? A lack of motivation is stealing our success. Do you desire to find motivation that carries you through to where your business is successful? Apply these 7 Simple Principles and find success.

7 Questions to Ask Yourself To Keep You Motivated:

1. Do you know your desired outcome? Always have your outcome in the forefront of your mind as you work. Know what you are working for and what you will have gained when you reach your goal.

2. Does your desired outcome excite you? Your outcome should energize and motivate you to reach that goal. Make sure you are working toward the things you truly desire in life.

3. Do you have a plan of action to reach your goal? As you make your detailed, step by step list to reaching your goal you will have a clear road map of what you need to accomplish next.

4. Are you working your plan during scheduled time each day? Consistency is the golden key to success. When you work diligently and have a plan to remain consistent you will reach your goals. Follow your action steps and allow your progress towards success to be your motivation.

5. Are you able to get right to work on your project when you come to work on it? I find that if my next project is overwhelming for me then I outline my steps ahead of time or I begin the project so that as I come back to it I can jump right back in. Getting started is often my biggest roadblock. If the project is started then I am more motivated to start working again during my next scheduled work period.

6. Are your thoughts and beliefs limiting your behavior? Do you believe you can reach success? Do you think positive thoughts about this project? Our greatest obstacle to success is our mind. Learn to program your mind for success.

7. Do you know your internal motivation? What motivates you? Is it the reward? Is it the recognition? Is it the character you are building? Each of us has our own personal motivator? Do you know yours? It's time to discover the gift within you - your internal motivation.


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