Mistakes. In our quest for success we frequently make many mistakes. The sting of failure can sting and linger with us for weeks or months. When we get fixated on avoiding mistakes we draw back and stop taking chances. Fear of failure paralyzes initiative and growth. We lose our motivation to try again.
Alternative Approach: Rather than keeping your attention placed on past mistakes instead focus on taking advantage of your opportunities. Continue to explore possibilities that come your way.
Mistakes come with the territory for most high achievers. Learn from your failures and you will gain valuable experience that you can use going forward.
Obstacles. When faced with continuous challenges it seems easier to quit than to keep pushing forward. It is hard to muster up enough will power to try again.
Alternative Approach: Roadblocks seem permanent but they seldom last. When you apply creativity and determination you will eventually overcome all of the obstacles that you face.
Opinions. The opinions of other people can influence you negatively or positively. Your decision making, attitude and outlook will be determined by someone else when you live your life based on the what other people think of you. You will not be able to please everyone. No matter what you do someone is not going to like you or approve of what you do. You will never feel highly motivated while you are influenced by the opinions of other people.
Alternative Approach: Make decisions based upon your own objectives. It is good to take counsel from people who have earned your trust and respect. Get input. But ultimately it is up to you determine the path that you must follow. When you are striving to hit the goals of your choosing you are more motivated and enthusiastic.
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