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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Simple Way of Overcoming Uncertainty

Dealing with uncertainty can be quite different for different people. Those, whose natural inclination is to be on the "pessimistic side" might expect bad things and failures happening to them and fear those. Then there are "optimists", who expect nothing less than success awaiting them in the future...and yet, deep inside even they have moments when the fear of "How am I going to handle all that success" and "Do I really want it" creeps in.

In both cases, the people are generally afraid of change and of the unknown. Why otherwise would people worry about their success? Simply, because they know that success can easily take over their lives and that it might have many major implications. Those implications, (be it a sudden imbalance in a relationship, need to manage much more money than we are used to or possibly a request for some more "representative" styling), have one word written over them: CHANGE, followed by: DEAL WITH IT, followed by:!!!!!!!

Yes, people love to dream big dreams, many even go as far as taking some actions towards their fulfillment; unfortunately, then this worry about "what if" kicks in, the imagination of everything that would have to be different becomes overwhelming and people slow down, responding to that fear, never realizing what really happened and what had actually stopped them.

For those of you, who found yourself in the situations above, here is a piece of advice: Instead of focusing on the final outcome and its major impact on your future, focus on every step that brings you to that outcome. When you finish every step successfully, you will be getting gradually more prepared for what is ahead of you. If you are too worried about the final outcome, you are not able to enjoy every step and how much fun is that? You are working towards your desire and you are working hard, remember? You deserve to enjoy the journey all the way!

One important reminder: if any of your dreams would be out of your reach, it would never even occur to you to have that particular dream! With that in mind, in your weaker moments, remind yourself of all the reasons for your chosen goal and why you are more than ready to tackle it step by step and enjoy the sweet and well deserved results. You have the talent, the courage, the inner strength...nothing should be stopping you.


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