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Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's Keeping You From Living Your Dreams?

One of my favorite children's books is The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. It is the story of a boy who finds himself on a quest to rescue two princesses. At one point on his journey, he is confronted by demons. Not prototypical monsters from the underworld, but subtle persuaders whose sole purpose is to prevent others from achieving success. One of these demons persuades the boy to help him with a project to move a pile of sand, giving him a pair of tweezers that can only hold one grain at a time. The boy works for hours before recognizing the utter futility of this task and resuming his adventures.

Have you been side-tracked from your true calling by a similar demon? Working in an unsatisfying job seems little different from moving a pile of sand one grain at a time. You may have allowed fear of the unknown to convince you that a steady paycheck is better than living your dreams, but study and planning can change a leap in the dark into a walk on a well-lit path. Shine some light on those fears by learning as much as possible about your desired goal. Talk to people who are currently doing what you want to do and ask for their advice. Read books and take classes. Don't let fear of the unknown prevent you from being the hero of your story.

Finances may be another factor keeping you from living your dreams. If you are in debt up to your eyeballs, taking a risk of any kind could leave you vulnerable. Don't let debt trap you in a job you hate. Take control by limiting your lifestyle and picking up some extra income from side jobs. If you are committed, you'll probably be able to eliminate your debt in a few years, leaving you free to pursue your passions.

When a fisherman catches a fish and sets it on the ground, it flops around--wasting energy and accomplishing nothing. If you don't know what direction you want your life to move in, you may be doing the same thing! Stop floundering and start focusing.

Thomas E. Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia) said, "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." Don't let fear, finances or floundering hold you back any longer. Become a dreamer of the day and start living the way you were meant to live.


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