Now tell me this sounds like you, or someone you know. What is the big secret to getting a task done? Most of the stuff we keep procrastinating on is easy anyway. Well, what I've come to know about the "P" word is that we avoid what we (A) have no clue where to begin (B) have no clue how to finish. Personally I'm a recovering perfectionist. When I look at a task that I want to be perfect and can't seem to figure out how to do it, I don't start!
Here is an example. I use to sell nursery stock including plants, trees, annuals etc...I loved it. People would come in to the store and ask me questions about landscape ideas and I would flood them with great themes based on their needs. Well, about 4 years ago I removed every overgrown shrub and tree from my own house, and it still remains empty. I finally figured out what was holding me back from just starting the project in the first place. Fear of not having it perfect. I didn't have a clear picture of what I wanted it to look like, so I never started.
I've applied this new awareness to other areas of my life as well. When I notice a certain project not getting started or finished, I see now that I just need to identify where the resistance is coming from, and forge ahead. When I realize that I'm procrastinating, I jump in with both feet to do something. Anything! Awareness is an extremely powerful tool to signal action. Also along the road to achievement, I use visualization to help allow me see and feel the completion of my intention.
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