Have you ever met someone that just can't ever seem to decide things? No matter what the question is, they pick one, then change to another choice, and back again, seemingly in agony over what to do. If that is a habit for you, then you must work on breaking it immediately. Being a good decision maker is one of the most critical things you can do, as it creates the choices you make in life on a daily basis. Although this may not seem like a big deal, remember life is made up of a series of little choices which add up to big consequences! And if you can't decide what you want in life, how will you ever get it?
Obviously we make many decisions on a daily basis, right? If you are trying to focus on a task, wouldn't it be beneficial if you can make a snap decision and have the confidence that you are right, at least most of the time? Having confidence is important, and in order to build your confidence in yourself you must get very good at decision-making. How else will be certain you are ever doing the right thing in life? Say you decide in no uncertain terms you want to finally start that small business you have always wanted. You know that your hobby of collecting garden gnomes will be perfect (stay with me here), since you can build them in no time. They will sell like hot-cakes to the already rabid gnome-collecting crowd online, but your not sure exactly how to get started. There are a hundred little decisions that need to be made, where do you start?
Should you outsource some of the work? How do you build a website? What is the best color for painting garden gnomes? How do I ship them to the customers? Oh, no. I just put up a total road block of questions that need to be answered, and now you have decisions to make. This may sound like a silly example, but for someone who isn't good at making decisions it is truly crippling! So what is the correct answer? I don't know, either. But the thing is, you only know after you give it a try. You test one theory out, take some action and see if it works. If it doesn't, guess what? You just found one step that needs fixed, and you move on.
You take another step, test it, and move on. Nobody has all the answers when they first start out ,but they make informed decisions, and move on. That's what "action-oriented" people do, they don't have all of the answers but they realize nobody else does either! But the thing is, if you waste time analyzing every decision and never do anything, you never get anywhere in life. There is an old saying - if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten. In other words, try something new, and it may work out. If it doesn't, no big deal. Try something else and see if that works. Keep trying, over and over, until something works! Nothing works, until you do. In fact, write that down now in bold letters and tape it up to your bathroom mirror so it's the first thing you see every day. Make the decision to do something, anything, until you reach your goals and find success in life.
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