Until the heatwave disappeared.
And everyone was freezing.
And complaining.
And complaining.
And complaining.
For two flippin' weeks, people (myself included) complained. And nobody did anything to fix it. Looking back on it now, I'm not sure why the person who called the technician out the first time didn't call them again. Whatever!
I was tired of listening to my co-workers and myself complain (believe me, I can complain with the best of them), so I shot off an email to management to see about fixing the situation. It was so cold ("How cold was it, Bill?" :) ) in the office a lot of us were wearing coats and winter clothes. In June! I was also cringing at the amount of money the company was wasting in cooling such a big space when it wasn't needed. Especially during these economic times!
Long story short, the technician came back and adjusted the thermostats to match the more normal Seattle summer temperatures. The best part was when the technician, upon my request, showed me how to unlock the control panel to adjust the temperature however and whenever we like. Now we won't have the expense of him coming out each time an adjustment is needed. Score!
Finally, temperature relief and no more complaining from my co-workers and myself. Problem solved. Now if I could only get my co-workers to get off their lazy butts and take some initiative some of the time on these kind of things. I will be the first one to say that I don't always take the initiative on some things, but for the simple stuff like this, it seems like a no-brainer. Pick up the dang phone or email somebody to get it fixed!
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