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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What Happens When a Motivator Needs Motivation?

When it comes to business questions, I can blurt out great and profitable answers. When it comes to personal and business finance, people come to me for advice. When it comes to motivation, I am the person people lean on and listen to. But what happens when I need motivation and I am the motivator. Who do I turn to?

I certainly cannot go to the very same people who get advice from me to ask for theirs. I don't know if this is a problem or not but I shoot high for motivation and the people I look up to and mimic success and motivate me are the Oprah's of the world. Unfortunately, these are people I just can't pick up the phone and call. Sure I could pay someone to help me through this process but I know that I have it in me to work it out on my own.

Over the past few months I have been in a cloud of....uncertainty. I have been listening to my clients lean on me about their finances and personal lives. . I have had some clients default on their premium payments which directly affects my pay. I have been listening to friends ask for advice and I think I am just tired and frustrated. But how dare I get tired and frustrated. How dare I get negative thoughts in my head about the economy recovering? I am a financial advisor and this is my trade. It is an art to do what I do. I can't let anyone down.

So what does the motivator do? Since I am talking about me, I can tell you what this motivator did. I don't like telling everyone what I am doing and how I am going to fix it. I am the type of person that just does it and asks questions later if there are even any questions. Yes, I have a couple of business people I could talk to but they are just about on my level. That scenario just isn't going to work. Since I am not a complainer, I just stepped back and refocus on what it is that I want and need in life. I literally had to just sit and think in a quiet room. I recreated my situation like it was someone else's situation so I could evaluate and give direction. (Even though the direction is me). This is what I found out.

I found out that:

- The goals on my goal list were already accomplished and I need to start a new goal list.

- The people I had been surrounding myself with for the past 2 months were not helping me mentally or emotionally.

- I needed to be still and listen. What I need and want was already around me, I just needed to shut up, look, and listen.

So, this is what a motivator does when they need motivation. They listen to themselves and get back on the wagon and make things happen as I am doing now. These are the things I told myself as I had to step out and refocus and move on forward to the next level. Sometimes as entrepreneurs we are moving so fast and if we just slow down we will see that we are going down a path with no direction. An important move is to always surround yourself with positive people. If I am in a room with people who are on my level then I need to get out and find another room with people who I can learn a great deal from. Always revamp your goals and just listen; the answers are right in front of your face. What a lesson learn...and guess what, I taught myself...Priceless!


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