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Saturday, August 15, 2009

What Motivates You?

So people talk all the time about what they want to be, who they want to become, what kind of life they want to live. In reality, how many people actually follow through? I'd have to say about 20%, and it may be less than that. People love to talk, people love to hear themselves. I believe that people talk about potential to make themselves feel good about their life. What I want to know is why people hate to follow through with what they say? Instead they complain, complain, complain. For what? Do something people. Find something that motivates you and do it. There is nothing in the world that people can't do. There are entirely too many successful people in the world with proof that if you're motivated to do something, then it can be done.

People do not have to be geniuses to become successful. It's all a mind thing. I honestly think the world would be better off if everyone didn't complain so much. People complain because they are lazy. They may have a great idea, but it'll never get done. Procrastination is a terrible habit. Laziness is a terrible habit. There has to be something that motivates you? A better life possibly? A celebrities life maybe? How about more money? Who doesn't want that?

Motivation is just half of the battle, but a big half. If you want to be successful...motivate yourself. Find something that drives you, even if it's motivation to do better than someone that you despise; or finally doing something because you're tired of seeing everybody around you doing better than you. There has got to be something that motivates you. If you can get motivated to do something for yourself, it's easier to do amazing things. It's never too late to do better. Why settle? I hate to say it, but only failures settle. Winners never settle, they are the ones looking to better themselves all the time. They are the ones that everybody sees on TV, in the nice cars, in the nice homes, wearing the nice clothes, etc.

I always laugh because it's those people that are hated the most by the unsuccessful. Are they any better than anybody else...no. But they didn't settle. Regardless what it was that they were doing, they pursued it. Successful people come in all different age groups. Some earlier than others, but they all have one thing in common. They had a goal, they were motivated, they did whatever it took to succeed, and they never gave up. People are so quick to give up, and it makes no sense. That's why successful people really have no remorse for quitters. They are tired of hearing the same old should've, could've, would've.

It's never too late to start. Want to be successful in life, then do something. Stop being lazy, stop procrastinating. Find what motivates you to be successful and do it. No questions asked. I promise you, if you have that successful mindset, then you will one day be successful. You only have one life to live, why not do what it takes for the remainder of it to be successful?


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