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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Motivational Speakers Can't Do

We have all heard a speech from a motivational speaker at one time or another. They are hired by companies to come in and inspire and motivate employees in order to increase morale and productivity. These speakers come in all different shapes and sizes with different styles and backgrounds. Some are great while some are terrible. Listening to a speech from motivational speakers can either be the best thing that will happen to you or it can be a total waste of your time. This article will tell you what these speakers can and can't do. Hopefully, after reading this, the next time you listen to a motivational speech, you will do so with a completely different mindset.

One of the biggest mistakes that people tend to make is to rely on some outside force to change their life for them. We all want to be more successful. We all would like to make more money, have more respect, be a greater contributor to society, but too many us are approaching this the wrong way. When you expect someone else to come along and magically turn your life around and make your dreams come true, I guarantee that you will be met with a lot of disappointment. This is one of the reasons why motivational speakers get such a bad reputation.

Many people think that these speakers are a waste of money because they've listened to a bunch of motivational speeches but their life has not changed one bit. Let's be frank here. Motivation does not last. If it did, everyone would achieve their goals and live the life of their dreams, but you and I both know that this isn't the case. So what good does it do to listen to these speakers if the motivation they give us dies so quickly? The answer is, plenty.

It is not a motivational speaker's job to change your life. They can't do that, only you can. The only thing they can do is help inspire you and relight that flame within you that has been lying dormant for way too long. Their goal is to bring the passion back into your goals and dreams. Their aim is to give you strategies that you can use to accomplish your goals but ultimately, success all comes down to you. You must not only be the one taking the action, but the one who will be 100% responsible for the result as well, good or bad.

From now on, whenever you hear speeches from motivational speakers, use whatever motivation they can ignite inside of you and immediate use it to take action towards your goals. Being inspired and motivated is useless if it is not followed by immediate and massive action. These speakers can't make your dreams come true for you, only you can. Once you understand that and accept the fact that no one else is responsible for how your life turns out but you, you will be one step closer to living the life of your dreams.


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