Tomorrow never seems to get here, does it? We really base our chances of success on a rarely arrived at goal. If you want to be successful in any new adventure, especially if it is a business, you are going to have to shift the paradigm. It can no longer be "Have/Do/Be." You must look at life from an entirely new perspective.
The old way is how 97% of the population sees things. I need to have enough money in order to do what needs to be done so that I can be the person I want to be. Well, how much is enough? How do you know what to do? What kind of person will you finally become?
Here is how the other 3% believe. This is how successful entrepreneurs know the game must be played. They understand model of a winner is "Be/Do/Have." You must first be the person you want to be. Then you need to do what successful people do. Finally, you will have what successful people have.
How on earth can you be a different person without having gotten all that you need to make the change? It's a matter of mindset. That is what must change first. If you can't think like an entrepreneur, you will never be one. If you can't believe that you deserve wealth, you'll never achieve it. If your dreams aren't big enough to overwhelm your current thinking, you will remain small. Your thinking has brought you to the place you are now. Continue thinking that way and you'll stay that way.
Once you change your mindset, you need to find people who have achieved success in the area you are pursuing and do what they do. Why reinvent the wheel? They have learned what works and what doesn't work. Learn from them. Learn from the best. Start researching online. Start networking. Get involved in mastermind groups and find a mentor. Be persistent (but not annoying.) If you show that you are eager and teachable and willing to do what it takes to be a winner, people will go out of their way to help you. Finally, if you follow this new paradigm - making the mental shift, doing whatever successful people do - you will have whatever you want to have. Then, if you truly want to be successful, pay it forward.
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