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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Attainable Goals - 5 Simple Steps to Raising Your Motivation & Reaching Your Goals

Goals inspire. Goals give your life meaning and purpose. Goals lead to success. Do you know your goals? Do you review them frequently? Can you visualize them in great detail? If not, let's change your results by focusing on improving the motivation factor your goals can add to your life.

5 Simple Methods To Raising Your Motivation and Reaching Your Goals:

1. Know your goals. If you don't know what you want in life you have nothing to aim for. Sure you won't miss any targets but how will you know you are living the life you were meant to live? How do you know your future will be what you want it to be? Take action now! Set some goals for the areas of your life in which you want to take control. Put them down in ink!

2. Write them down. If you have written down your goals (and you have if you took action in Step #1) you are in the top 3% of the population. You will see the parallel between written goals and the income bracket of those who have their goals written down. The importance of writing out your goals will become clear to you as you begin a routine of knowing your goals and reviewing them to keep them fresh in your mind.

3. Review your goals regularly. As you keep rereading your goals they will become more firmly rooted in your mind. Each time you read your goals you will again feel that excitement of possibility. Go through your list of goals weekly, at the least, as you plan your schedule so that they will have a place of prominence on your "To Do" list.

4. Visualize. If written words give power to your goals, a picture has an even greater effect in clarifying and intensifying a goal. Create a dream journal or dream board with pictures that depict your goals. Place your dream board in a place where you will see it often. Or if you choose to use a journal, schedule a time to review it regularly. Could you find time to leaf through it each evening? Find pictures of your goals to use as a rotating screen saver to inspire you as you work.

5. Make your goals manageable. Take each goal and break it into manageable steps to be accomplished. Take action to minimize the problems that you foresee or as they arise. When your goals are attainable your motivation level will be higher than when they seem lofty and out of your reach. Make today a day that you will do something that will reach out and grab the success that awaits you in your goal.


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