Your goals are the most important determinant of your success. You become what your focus is. In these times of turmoil it is easy to get distracted. And when you get distracted you loose your focus of what you want to achieve. Let not the troubling environment distract you from paying attention to what you want out of life.
Here are 3 quick ways to help you keep your focus on the task at hand. They will help you avoid distractions at all times:
1. Your power to choose.
Choose not to entertain ideas, things, people or circumstances that are not in harmony with what you want to achieve. It is evident that we are the company we keep. Your mind is a receiving platform. Refuse to accept thoughts and things which are not in harmony with your goals.
2. Have a rapid response decisive
Sometimes a problem can occur or an uninvited thought or feeling may slip through your mind. Unchecked, this may cause you to be in despair. Stuff happens, but in such moments, call in your rapid response system. Use this system to quickly and efficiently banish this unwanted thought from your mind. Take quick action all the time.
3. Affirm your successes.
It is said that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. There are moments when your mind strives to run in idle mode. In such times seek instead to use this to relish your successes in life. Affirm and consolidate in your mind the progress you have made thus far. It is important that your mind be prepopulated with memories of what you have so far accomplished. This will serve as a buffer in times where it is tempted to fall back on the routines of yesterday.
You are wired to succeed. You have all the required tools to create the life you have dreamt for yourself. Stay on course no matter your circumstances and you will succeed. The trick is to avoid the distracting influences in your mind.
Once you master this art you can certainly have the world of your circumstances as your footstool.
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