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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Top 10 Things to Do For Maintaining Motivation

1) Focus on desired outcome.

Keep your attention on what you want to happen as a result of your actions. This compels you to act rather than wait. You feel like the sooner you take action the sooner you will get what you want.

2) Take the initiative.

You cannot depend on anyone else to motivate you. Lasting motivation comes from within so push yourself to act. When someone else forces you to take action then you experience pressure. When you push yourself you feel like you are in control. You have the power to act upon your situation rather than letting it apply pressure to you.

3) Follow a plan.

Make a plan and follow it with steady dedication. Take a predetermined step by step approach to getting what you want accomplished. It is easier to stick with a plan than it is to withstand the occasional bouts with procrastination. With a plan you can check off each completed tasks as you move on to the next. You simply follow your plan. There is no room for rationalizing. The plan is set and you are simply completing the tasks outlined in it.

4) Have fun.

Make what ever you do fun. On the surface the task itself may not an appear to be enjoyable but there is always something about it that you can find pleasure in. It may even be the joy of having finally completed the task.

5) Get excited about taking action.

Feel the rush from taking action. When we are stagnant worry and hesitation continues to build. Taking action sets the wheels in motion for us receiving what it is that we desire. That is worth getting excited over.

6) Don't wait for good feelings.

If you wait until the mood hits you before you take action you could be waiting for a very long time. Emotion follows movement. Get moving and the good feelings will follow.

7) Turn the page at the end of each night.

Forget your successes and failures when each day ends. Begin each day with a clean slate.Do not take any feelings of disappointment or frustration from the previous day into the next day. Do not let yesterday's successes determine what you feel about doing today's work. Be motivated to do what you have to do today without regards to what happened in the past.

8) Reward yourself.

Give yourself rewards along the way for successful completion of major tasks. If you take consistent action over a long span of time then give yourself a treat of some kind as a reward.

9) Get the action habit.

Train yourself to take action at every opportunity. As you do so you will motivated to do so all the time. Th possession of strong motivation will become a way of life for you. Once you have an action oriented personality you will not have to wait until the notion hits you before you act. You will act instantly out of habit.

10) Be accountable to someone.

Being accountable is a great motivator. I have done so much in the past as a result of having an accountability partner. Being accountable to someone else causes you to push beyond your normal comfort zone. Just knowing you are going to report your progress to someone else causes you to push harder than you would if it where just you alone. I always feel like I have to do what I said I was going to do. This motivates me to keep going even when I don't feel like it.


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