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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Staying Motivated in the Heat

Breathing we take for granted but how many deep breaths do you take a day. Stop for a moment, take a deep breath in, relax your shoulders and slowly breathe out. Imagine as you breathe in your body being filled with energy to help you through the day.

Stretch, I like to stretch upwards and become taller than I am, it makes me feel as if I am stretching into the day, almost growing into the person I would like to be.

Thinking differently, its important to start to think differently, make a note of your least favorite things and do them first then you can cross them off with a sense of achievement.

Letting go , think about what you can let go of today, thoughts which don't help you and linger in the past and serve you no purpose. So much anxiety is caused by thinking about the future and worrying about the past.

Believe, know that within this day you can achieve all you need and start to imagine the feeling of already being at that point.

Get Going, procrastination normally just leads to guilt so say to yourself, in the next hour I will have achieved ..... this will help set a time frame and stop you being distracted.

Meditate, meditation is such a wonderful process to help still your mind and allow you to focus. Just try 3 mins, stop, close your eyes, focus on your breathing, when a thought pops ion go back to your breathing. Simple!

These ideas can be developed and used within your daily life. Stay cool and enjoy.


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