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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Succeed at Being Successful!

The basic meaning of success is to achieve a goal that you have set or been set!

Most people think that successful people are the one's who run companies or have lots of money or wealth! This is NOT the case!

Think about it this way, we are all successful because we are alive; we are a success of nature to start with! To be successful in other ways we need to be able to focus ourselves on our successes as we go about our daily lives and the build on that to achieve bigger and better successes as we go! Although we must keep in mind our final dream or goal that we are working towards.

People who are or have been successful know that lots and lots of small successes lead to an overall big success, but trying for one big success although can work, usually leads to failure, you have heard the saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket", or a popular sporting analogy is "one game win does not equal a championship", this doesn't mean you have to go out and try lots of different things to be successful, it means you have to be able to see the successes you are having and build on those!

In most business, whatever they are, you will find targets which when the staff hit them they go up to the next level; this is the directors way of building on your successes.

In fact it is a way of building your own self confidence for your personal goals in life! Take all your daily successes and think about what they actually mean to you and build on them the next day, then the next day and the next day and so on! But do it for your own benefit and of those who are close to you.

Let's take a fairly typical day and see how many successes we can see!

Your alarm goes off (success 1), you get up (success 2), you shower and get dressed (success 3), you and maybe the family have breakfast together (success 4), you go to work- the car starts (success 5) (or the bus/train is on time), even when you go through traffic lights and they stay green and you don't have to slow up or stop can be seen as a success!. You get to work on time (success 6), and so on!

Now I think that's enough to show you how many successes can be seen in a day, that represents probably the first hour or so of your day, so let's say on average you have about 5 small successes every hour for most of the day say 12 hours or so, that represents 60 small success stories every single day and you haven't even tried!

Overall a pretty successful day I would say. Hopefully you can see that by counting the successes and not failures we remain positive and are starting to program ourselves to look for success and not to expect failure. You can then build on this to make your own personal goals come to fruition.

Try it for yourself, count throughout the day every little success you have and don't be afraid of how small they may be just count them, do not however count or dwell on any negative or failings learn from them yes but then move on! By the end of the day, when you sit down at home and reflect on the day see how you feel, if you have done it right you will feel a sense of achievement and it will give you a lift, you will probably even sleep better and have a better personal life eventually because if you do this every day you will become a pro-active and positive person and most of all you will be a success!

Instead of being sick and tired you should start to feel as if you can actually enjoy what you do and find a way to fulfill your dreams, you will start to look forward to how many successes you can have in a day and then you will see the benefits of being positive, also people around you will notice, as your confidence level increase and so your personality comes across better and stronger.

You will also be able to pass on this experience with those around you and you will then see their success build and feel another sense on success.

To round up, remember this: "success breeds success, which leads to more success!"


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