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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The 2500 Calorie Day

I spent most of my day today writing and reviewing web site copy. I noticed as the day progressed that I became more and more irritated. Not the irritation that you openly express and get rid of, the kind of irritation that lingers. It is not until late afternoon that I notice my frown line headache and my insatiable hunger. See, hunger is what I do when I am grouchy. Instead of noticing that my desire and results are not matching and doing something proactive to change my state, I unconsciously persist. Keeping with my self proclaimed schedule of must-do's; I eventually, somewhere around 2500 calories, notice that immediate action is required.

One of the things I am best at is helping clients over come obstacles to get what they want. So how can what happened to me today, help you?

We all have ways of doing things that are pre-programmed and run unconsciously without much fanfare. Most of the time this pre-programming works. When it is ineffective sometimes we don't realize it is within our control to change it until we have eaten 2500 calories or given ourselves a headache. Today, I could have done things differently. I had expectations that may or may haven't been reasonable. I did not take the time to check in with myself periodically and make adjustments to my day. But what was really happening unconsciously? Well, I take things seriously. Sometimes too seriously! A trait that yes, has many benefits, but not necessarily when it comes to the creative expression needed to write inspired copy. See I used my strategy for business success, "intense seriousness" and tried to apply it to the strategy of effective creative writing. Not a winning combination.

So what is the benefit to all this: having the happiness now instead of our perceived happiness later.


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