The challenge is for us to take the time to learn more about ourselves. Pay attention to the way that you handle money, people or the environment. Look closely and honestly at your life to see what motivates you. Are your actions guided by negative emotions such as envy or greed? These will only lead to your demise. You may achieve some level of achievement but the energy from which your intentions where birthed may manifest themselves in other areas of you life.
I believe that we all are born with innate talents and abilities, which are a map to our purpose on this planet. We all have a contribution to make to society but some of us never realize what that is because we are too busy trying to live out someone else's life. The television tells us that we must buy this or that, and then we will be successful. Inanimate objects are marketed as the trophies of success. We have no clue what real success is or how to go about getting it because we do not know ourselves.
What are your natural talents? What can you do that is easy for you but difficult for others? What hobby do you have that gets you so caught up that you lose track of time?
It is imperative that you find out what your contribution will be to society. All of the luxuries that we utilize today were birthed from the creative imagination of someone. Our collective intentions have marked the upward mobility our community. We are the creators of our particular and collective reality. When we realize this, we act differently because we take responsibility for our lives and for our actions.
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